Also, as Abe pointed out within 2 days of travelling in Shanghai, Chinese people are terrible givers of direction. If you ask anybody, where something is, they will point in a direction and say: "那邊" (there), or "左拐" (turn left), OR (!!) points in a general direction and says: "直走" (walk straight) *Max frustration!* and as Abe would say it: *hit head* "pcccchhht". hahaha. Then, if they are stationary, they look down, and if they are pedestrians, they begin walking very fast. Once i asked a walking guy: "Where is the subway station?" And before i finished asking the full question, he said: "不知道" (don't know), and changed angles to avoid me faster. But, when he realized that the subway station was in view (i did not see), he said: "Oh oh, 那邊", and sped off.
A few posts ago, i mentioned about an underground service with an out of tune keyboard. My mistake, i figured out on the second time going there that it was because the keyboardist was playing all the wrong notes! (mmm now that i think of it) ha.ha.ha.
Big flowers or accessories such as plants, butterflies, sparkling things look very pretty in girls' hairs. Don't you agree?
Coming up: Chinese A-Z II !
haha, about the asking for directions, why do you think they do that?
Big round food with matching t-shirt colour such as the guy's cookie looks very handsome on guys' hand. Don't you agree?
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