Saturday, June 27, 2009

Healing of Shoulder Dislocation

Archie Thompson with Cheer-leading Chinese girls

The Guangzhou Pharmaceuticals played Melbourne Victory, with score 2-1. Chinese soccer teams are good. During the game, defender Steven Pace was mistackled and dislocated his right shoulder. After the game, the dressing room was in silent panic for 30 minutes as two physios and a doctor struggled to relocate the shoulder. Steven was then sent to hospital immediately by the Pharmaceuticals' manager. In the car was also a physio, a doctor and a translator.

We jumped the queues at two quality private hospitals in Guangzhou. Chinese people like to jump queues (if there is a queue), but Chinese people don't like being jumped in a queue. As we jumped from 15th patient to 1st patient and entered into the x-ray room flap-doors, the Chinese patients (gotta give some of them some credit for waiting 1 hour+) swarmed us to the entrance like media mobs.

We visited two hospitals because the doctors in the first one could not relocate due to Steven's muscles being too big, such that the bones didn't have much space to move into the right socket. In total, we toiled for 4 hours, which included pulling, pushing, screaming, swearing, and despair. There was a time, when we were faced with a cross road, with the choices of attempting relocation one more time, or use a full body anesthetic for a full 10 hour in-house operation, which would have been troublesome since we had flights to Tianjin early in the following morning.

The decision made was to try relocation just one more time, and the doctors got into positions and began to pull and twist. I, who was tired from hotel/match/hospital translation for 12 hours without food or rest, moved in to rest one hand on Steven's left shoulder and said in my mind: "耶穌醫治你" (Jesus heals you) [Sounds way cooler in Chinese, it does]. And unexpectedly, within 0.8 seconds of saying that, a loud "pop" noise came from his right shoulder, and the room was filled with relief.

Healing Testimonies on the net
More Healing Testimonies on the net
(or search Google)

Unexpected, because at that time, i had small faith that the healing power of Jesus Christ would come upon Steven. Small faith yields small results. No faith yields no results. Big faith, would have been me saying: "耶穌醫治你" right at the start, and it would have yielded a big result.

And no, i do not believe that the two events: (1) the laying of the hand, and (2) the relocation of the right shoulder, were a result of a coincidence.

1 second is singular
1.5 seconds is plural
0.5 seconds is plural
1.000 seconds is also plural

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