Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nature Seekers 2009

One day i took a visit to National Cheng Chi University of Taiwan, and took a look inside the library.

Which is where i found this:

It's the NCCU Nature Seeker Club section. It has nice picture decorations and hangings of nature.

But looking with bigger detail (!!), the nature they are "seeking" all belong to and are all inside the university. Students picking flowers, and note in particular bottom left picture - some 同學s looking at some on-campus trees of nature, ha-ha-ha --

Btw, Taiwanese boys' mannequin legs are very skinny. I can tell because the pants they wear are tight! Taiwanese boys' legs are also quite skinny, and would make the Aussie girls back home, very jealous. It also makes it harder for me to buy clothes, that fit, good.

1 comment:

Jason P said...

haha, somehow I don't think that Aussie girls don't want to be *that* much like Taiwanese boys. :P