Monday, January 11, 2010

Very Nice Names - on the Name Tags Board

Have found some interesting names on the Church name tags board (where name tags are stuck). Beware non-Chinese-English speakers, you will not be able to understand this post.

First up:

Names given based on surname! In Taiwan "蔡" means "shoddy"! "黃金進" is a good fix for a financial crisis (for the parents).

"雲招" sounds like a tai-chi move, while the pink names all sound very adventurous and explosive.

My favourite for last:

"武心甜". I discussed this name with 陳 Grandpa Chen. And he did not doubt that it means: 很會打架, 而且心又很甜 (skillful at fighting, and has a heart that is very sweet)

How very nice.


Jason P said...

gg traditional script

Unknown said...

lol...btw your name's quite interesting too...

Unknown said...

haha, so new people always say, without hesitation. haven't really figured out why.

what would i do without jasons.
btw to "Jason", you should give us a link to your blog, or create a blog and give us a link.