Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shanghai University City

The Shanghai University City is a university area that contains 7 universities in one single block!

Take a brief look.

This place is big. The buildings are beautiful. But so strange! There are no people. But anyway.

This guy Antonio, is the one who took me around. His face looks pretty cool if you zoom in. Tribute paid for hosting my stay!

Here in one of the canteens is the Staff Service Star Awards Top 5 Charts for the time frame. So from the left, the awards are:
Staff 1: Loved unconditionally and did her best to fulfill responsibilities
Staff 2: The same.
Staff 3: Picked up money and always returned it
Staff 4: Warmly intense service attitude
Staff 5: When she saw injustice, she always interferes to make justice.

Antonio later on told me that he runs an English conversation club. Antonio said that, basically what they do is 'talk some English', once a week.

And look at how the English conversation club turned out! They gathered, standing in a circle in the middle of the university garden and talked English for about an hour and a half. And the aim was to: improve English! And sometimes they invite guest speakers... and on today's occasion, the guest speaker, was me. (ha.ha.ha)

The dorms of this university city are awesome. For a portion of this city's students, they live in a moated dormitory area. And once they cross the bridge, they see 7 storey dorm upon 7 storey dorm.

The above is a photo of the room that is directly opposite to Antonio's. He mentioned that this room is famous for people playing computer games. I asked whether the four of the roommates in that room often gather to play together. Antonio's answer was: "關鍵不在他們是不是一起打, 關鍵再他們一直打." ha.ha.ha. (The key is not that they play together, the key is that they are always playing)

In this moated part of the university city dorms guys and girls live in separate buildings. There are about 40 dorm buildings, two of which are guys bulidings (that means 38 are for girls!). I found that truly amazing.

Above is a picture taken on the balcony of Antonio's room, with the background being a girls' dorm. There are many girls' dorms around this guys' dorm. And i can imagine what the guys all do at night, (since a lot of the girls would be in their rooms studying or relaxing or playing) i.e. chill out on the balcony... =]

1 comment:

darryl said...

WOW! THE DORM LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS MY COLLEGE DORM! the funny part is that the dorms are alternately for guys and girls. So for every girls dorm block will be surrounded by 2 guys' block, and vice versa.. miss those days.. dorm days are SUPER FUN.. best time in my life, glad you have a chance to taste it. :D

nice UNI!