Thursday, May 14, 2009

Chinese Underground Cells

My brother observed this when on the first few days of his stay in Shanghai: that Chinese people generally had a 'beaten down' look on their faces.

It's the facial look of long hours of work, pollution thrashing against the skin, good hard facial muscle workouts from shouting, putting on the resistive face when getting shouted at etc.

The Chinese still, are lovely people.

I was privileged enough to attend a Chinese underground Church cell in a remote suburb of Shanghai. And i saw a group of Chinese Christians gather for the first time.

The pastor's face shone like an angel. It was bright, and the smile was heavenly. It was very unlike the face i identified with 'Chinese'. The other people who went up to the front to speak and serve looked not at all beaten down.

The keyboard, which was the only instrument used to accompany the singing worship part of the night, had not one note in tune. Yet the group worshipped God in the singing. At certain times of the night, a lot of people prayed in a row. They prayed a long time, and the prayers were passionate, from their hearts.

The meeting was present with people who were hungry for God. I was very attracted to this atmosphere. And this taught me that in order to attract newcomers to meetings, it is more important that God is present in manifestation in that place, than good welcoming, connections and friendship building (which are also important).

No photos available to upload for underground activities.

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