Monday, December 4, 2006

1. Welcome!

Dear readers,

Thanks for visiting my space.

I hope you will enjoy my journey.

After going through 12 hours of air sickness, i am thankful that time passes in all situations; no matter how bad the suffering, there is always an end, unless it is for eternity.

I have to say, Taiwan has a very special smell. I'm not sure if it is true of most asian countries because i have only been to Taiwan. Taiwanese kitchens have a special smell, and so do the bathrooms. Also, sweating and body odour is not an issue, because the air here would usually smell much worse. So i mostly feel very comfortable wherever i am. The humidity here is not so bad, actually i don't think it is too much different from melbourne.

So far, i have spotted a lot of 'taiwan classics'. I won't tell you anything about it now, but i hope you can visit me another time.


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