Tuesday, December 5, 2006

2. Na ge....mei you bi yao

One morning i decided to simultaneously do two tasks. I do not usually do the two together at home, but perhaps that morning was just a special occassion. I pulled out my bible from my green bag, and i did a random page flip. The random page flip is when I say: "this is what God wants to tell me today." Don't you guys do this? It is a bad habit though. Later on after some thought, i discovered that the random page flip was just like a probability curve, meaning that it's not so random after all. You're usually going to end up somewhere near the middle... I opened up to Ezekiel 47, then turned on my mp3 player which shuffled to a random song called: "How We Need the River - TMaC" Then I realised the significance of the two coinciding events, especially given my circumstances and I thanked God for the encouragement. For those of you who do not know the significance, get in touch with the two sources.

When i got off the plane, everywhere i went i saw this sign:

which means 'meat' in chinese.

No actually it doesn't, it is an exit sign, i just mistook it for the chinese character 'meat'. You would know why.

My second uncle picked me up from the airport and he was the first person i talked alot to on this trip. But that's only because he got to me first. My uncle is very low-tech and doesn't do anything that's technology related. This kind of reminds me of the nanny on Mrs Doubtfire who doesn't do the dishes, doesn't do the laundry, doesn't look after children, doesn't take care of administration, doesn't mop the floors, doesn't cook dinners, doesn't wash the toilets, doesn't help with homework, except in the case of my uncle, he doesn't use mobile phones, doesn't use the computer, doesn't use the internet, doesn't watch tv, doesn't read the paper, doesn't use cd players, and doesn't drive a car that moves very far. Instead, he recommended me a piece of technology which is a display-less digital device that allows the closest-person-to-you's mobile to ring when a friend calls your device. I sincerely accepted his recommendation and also agreed with him that there is a big market out there for this technology. I guess he just likes to be different.

Here he is, i believe it is beneficial to see what a person looks like for a more detailed understanding:

My uncle's favourite phrase is: "Na ge....mei you bi yao" meaning: "Err this, there's no point in having this one." So we would be driving down the freeway, and he would point out to me: "Na ge...'road block' mei you bi yao" or "Na ge...'tree' mei you bi yao". Its as though he had the power to remove whatever that had no point of existence, with a wave of his hand. Funny that. To finish on a good note, my uncle is very friendly and good and interesting.

Jiang Zhong Zheng (1887-1975) was a Taiwanese nationalist leader. He conducted many revolutions and battles against the communists, and is a hero in the hearts of many. Here he is:

I had a great time laughing when i discovered that the same statue of Jiang Zhong Zheng at a local park was recently replaced by this statue:

and Yes that is a dinosaur.

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