The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" (2004) was such a success that it was translated into many other languages - with one of the other languages as Chinese.
Here is the poster you would see in Taiwan.
The movie title is translated into "明天過後", which literally means: 'after tomorrow is past', which makes a lot of sense.
And here is the poster you would see in China.
"后天" ??!!
Hahahahahahaha. That's so weak (and funny)!!!
p.s. sorry to those who don't understand Chinese. Also, I don't mean to offend the readers from mainland China (edit: who would be reading this after migrating out of mainland China).
"I don't mean to offend the readers from mainland China."
Don't worry... blogspot is blocked in the motherland! It'll only be a small chance of offending somebody. :)
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