Monday, November 16, 2009

My Name is Sam Hu

One day, I searched facebook for the number of "Sam Hu"s on facebook. There were many, to my surprise!

So i had an idea to create a facebook group with the name: "My Name is Sam Hu".

While inviting members to join, i, for the first time in my life, was sending personally addressed messages to individuals WITHOUT changing the name of the addressee! It was a funny experience.

It was funny also, because facebook thought i, personally and legitimately addressing other facebook members, was sending spam, because all my messages had the exact same content!

And therefore blocked my messaging capabilities for an undefined period of time! Too bad facebook's spam detection isn't as good as to detect that all the people whom i was sending messages to, were called Sam Hu.

Latest question from one of the Sam Hus' friends:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahahaha lolness at the screenshot of 'yourself'!...