Proverbs tells us that "as [one] thinks in his heart, so is he."
I believe in this literally.
And now I understand why Proverbs 11:24 tells us this:
"One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."
a) When a man gives freely, he either (1) believes that blessings will come to him as a result of the act of giving, and/or (2) expects to possess a whole lot more in the future.
b) Conversely, a man who withholds unduly, will either (1) believe that nothing good can ever come out of giving, and/or (2) has already planned out exactly how much he will earn for the rest of his life, and any amount given will be the amount subtracted from the savings of his entire life.
Applied to both situations --> "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." The most inner thoughts and beliefs of the heart, is what can change a person's life!
I know of a particular man.
One night the particular man was approached by a middle-aged woman, who asked him for spare change to help out with renting basic accommodation for the night.
The man was not rich. His most significant source of income was not even enough to cover the rent.
To the request, the man thought for a brief moment. He reached into his pocket to take out two $50 bills and placed them in the lady's hands. The lady was more stunned than surprised. The man walked away. But stopped a few steps later.
He turned around and said: "Do you know why I want to give you $100 tonight?"
The lady responded: "You're a kind man."
"Far from it," the man replied and he paused.
"It's because I'm going to be a millionaire."
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