Thursday, November 6, 2008

Characteristics Of My Ideal Girl

This post is inevitable.

My dad told me a while ago that I probably don't even know what type of girl I'd like/want/need. I disagreed with him then, but today, I am beginning to realize what he meant by that comment.

I won't mention any characteristics that are either given or obvious. Otherwise my top 10 would be filled with useless qualities such as: gentle, kind, can understand me or "has more hair than me" type.

So here's my top ten:


1. Loves God - more than loves me
When she loves God more than she loves me, she will love me more compared to if she loves me more than she loves God. The word 'more' is relative. I find a girl, who loves God with a passion, to be ++x on hot and XxX. It would take my mind for a spin, to see a girl like that.

2. Smaller than me in size
Both height and width.

3. Is a housewife
I'd like to her to be able to take care of all the things a man cannot. And it's not that the man does not want to take care of certain things, it's just that the man simply does not have the ability to. She will look very sweet when she works to takes care of the house.

4. Understands sacrifice and sacrifices
She will know the meaning of sacrifice. She will not live everyday for herself, but instead she will live for other people. By doing so, she will find great joy, and I will be proud of her. She will sacrifice for the right causes.

5. Submissive
For a unit to work, there must be a leader within the unit. God chose the man to lead and to love, and the woman to follow and to love.

6. Sticky
I'd like her to favour the sense "touch", that is, likes to touch and likes to be touched, likes to hold hands and likes to be hugged. Preferably not in an overt, big action way. Preferably in a reserved-desire kind of way.

7. Appears and walks like an Angel
This quality speaks of the girl's physical appearance, as well as the inner beauty 内涵 that shines out from within. To qualify for this characteristic, she would also qualify for the description "nice" - which basically means gentle, soft, angelic, and not easily angered/flustered/annoyed. Those qualities are very attractive to me.

8. Optimistic in every way
A positive person, who can turn a bad situation into a good one, just by using her positive attitude. I dislike negative thinking a lot. Certainly wouldn't want to live with a girl who thinks negatively.

9. Wise
This was the only major characteristic change from about 4 years ago when I created my ideal girl list. The characteristic I had was the opposite of wise, which was dumb, except I didn't use that word. The change came about when I realized that I would have a lot of trouble communicating with a girl who wasn't smart (EQ wise at least), and I'd like the decisions she makes to be made with a high standard of wisdom.

10. Networker of people
I'd like her to be able to, and enjoy being among people. She can be quiet at times, but she will love to meet and get to know people. Her warmness will draw people to her, and I will be proud of her because she will be my wife.


If you have observed, while the list is not in order, if a girl satisfies #1, most of the other characteristics should also be covered.

The above top 10 characteristics are subject to change. There are other qualities in a girl I look for, such as: has Chinese cultural background, believes in the power of belief, and semi-sporty, and these may or may not be equally important.

My father tells me often to go to more places to see more girls. Then I will have a better idea of what type of girl I should want to go after.

At this point, I am after the "top 10 characteristics of my ideal man" from the perspective of the girl that I am after. That is, if I can, locate her.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Mind of a Giver

Proverbs tells us that "as [one] thinks in his heart, so is he."
I believe in this literally.

And now I understand why Proverbs 11:24 tells us this:
"One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."

a) When a man gives freely, he either (1) believes that blessings will come to him as a result of the act of giving, and/or (2) expects to possess a whole lot more in the future.

b) Conversely, a man who withholds unduly, will either (1) believe that nothing good can ever come out of giving, and/or (2) has already planned out exactly how much he will earn for the rest of his life, and any amount given will be the amount subtracted from the savings of his entire life.

Applied to both situations --> "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." The most inner thoughts and beliefs of the heart, is what can change a person's life!

I know of a particular man.
One night the particular man was approached by a middle-aged woman, who asked him for spare change to help out with renting basic accommodation for the night.
The man was not rich. His most significant source of income was not even enough to cover the rent.
To the request, the man thought for a brief moment. He reached into his pocket to take out two $50 bills and placed them in the lady's hands. The lady was more stunned than surprised. The man walked away. But stopped a few steps later.

He turned around and said: "Do you know why I want to give you $100 tonight?"
The lady responded: "You're a kind man."

"Far from it,"
the man replied and he paused.

"It's because I'm going to be a millionaire."