Hey hey check out this game!
After playing this game quite extensively, I have learned a valuable lesson. (No reviews for the game available in this post.)
1. If I lose the game, I get angry (not angry angry, not that dumb to get angry at a piece of software, just a bit arrgg!).
And I:
- Think about how I can do better next time
- Think whether I should lower the difficulty level
2. If I win the game, I feel empty - the i-wanted-to-beat-you-computer-to-show-off-my-skill-but-now-you-are-dead-and-can't-see-how-great-i-am-not-that-i-get-satisfaction-from-showing-computer-players-my-greatness-anyway type empty.
And I:
- Think whether I should raise the difficulty level
- Reminisce about all of the moments where I kicked the computer's ass, and how I can do more of that in the next difficulty level
As you can see the cycle goes on and on, in that if I lose, I feel angry (how could the computers cheat like this!!?) and go to an easier difficulty level. After going to the easier level, I win, and I feel empty, and want to play a harder level. Either win or lose, I gain negative emotions.
Does it ever end?
Yes. I shall not play this game anymore (in the short to medium term).