Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Internet

"I have so many emails to check everyday. I have so many email accounts to check everyday. I have so much news i need to feed on that constantly updates. There are so many updates on sites related to school, work, play, hobbies - such that after i check everything i need to check, i need to go back to the start to check it all over again, because people keep updating content and sending me emails, and stuff."

Sound familiar?

Well, it's not me.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fat Lag Effect

I believe the human body has a fat lag effect. Which means the certain body fat increasing or decreasing activities will not take effect until a 3-4 weeks later, while this period does depend on the individual.

for the eater: don't be too glad when you've eaten a huge amount of food and see no added fats to your body within a few days.

for the exerciser: don't be too discouraged when you've exercised a huge amount and see no decrease of fat within... immediately =]