By default, because this aunty really wanted to adopt me as her son. And she did.
But my new adopted little sister didn't like being my new adopted little sister, because 1) it was by default and not by permission, and 2) she didn't like me anyway (like most 12 year olds). But too bad, she didn't have a choice!~xo
Therefore, i was very happy that i have a small sister to play with!
So here she is:
That's one shy girl. But only at first.
After she got to know me better, she wouldn't stop pinching, hitting, tickling, and annoying me. Or pretending to dislike me (pretending!).
So to make it a two-way relationship, I pretended to dislike being pinched, hit, tickled and annoyed, which was sometimes hard to do. Hahaha. (Now, if she can occasionally say some sweet things, it would be perfect!)